Special interest groups events
Thursday 6 March
Date: Thursday 6 March
Time: 10am - 11:30am
Story structures and writing formulas (host TBC). Instructions for joining the Zoom meeting, and the necessary link, will be posted on the Fiction forum. For further details, contact Judith Leask.
Friday 4 April
Date: Friday 4 April
Time: 2pm - 3:30pm
Romantasy (host: Claire Cronshaw). Instructions for joining the Zoom meeting, and the necessary link, will be posted on the Fiction forum. For further details, contact Judith Leask.
Thursday 1 May
Date: Thursday 1 May
Time: 10am - 11:30am
Working with Word styles and formatting - what the copyeditor can do to help the formatter (host: Alison Shakespeare). Instructions for joining the Zoom meeting, and the necessary link, will be posted on the Fiction forum. For further details, contact Judith Leask.