Using Macros in Word Part 2: Scripted macros (e-learning)

This course is intended for students who have completed Using Macros in Word Part 1: Recorded Macros (available for Mac users here and PC users here), or who already have experience of using macros. It explores how to install and use scripted macros downloaded from a trusted source. This course is suitable for both Mac and PC users. 

All of our training courses are hosted on Teachable, a dedicated learning management system. If you have already purchased this course, please go to the Teachable site to log in.  

What the course will teach you

By the end of this course you will:

  • know what scripted macros are
  • understand what the following macros do
    • internet search macros (‘fetch’ macros)
    • speed-editing macros
    • analysis macros
    • global change macros
  • know where to obtain
    • self-directed guides on scripted macros
    • scripted macros
  • know how to incorporate macros into your editorial workflow
  • know where to get help when your macros don’t work as you expect
  • understand the importance of backing up your macros.

Course content

This course consists of: 

  • the main course video, providing information about and demonstrations of various scripted macros in Word
  • supporting documents and downloadable videos. 

What skills and tools do you need?

  • Some existing knowledge or experience of using macros in Word will be valuable but is not a requirement.
  • Students will need access to Microsoft Word (Office 365) in order to complete the course.


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Price, timescales and upgrade points

  • Member: £46 + VAT
  • Non-member: £70 + VAT
  • Access to course: 6 months
  • Approximate study time: 10 hours
  • CIEP upgrade points: 1

Key course features

Structured training

Structured units cover a range of topics relevant to your chosen course.

Self-paced learning

With our e-learning courses, learn when you want at a pace that’s convenient for you.

Training portal

Access your course via our user-friendly online training portal. All e-learning courses are accessible through the portal for six months from the date of enrolment.

Tutor support

Access one hour of support from an experienced tutor.

Extra help

Additional tutor support is available on our self-assessed courses for a small fee.


Download, print and keep a certificate of completion once you’ve finished your course so you can demonstrate your commitment to CPD.

Please note: By booking onto an event or training course via the CIEP website, you are entering into a formal contract with the CIEP and accepting the following terms and conditions. Please make careful note of them, particularly regarding refunds and cancellations. If you have any questions please get in touch with us via email here.

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