Copyediting 3: Progress (e-learning)

This is the third and final stage in the CIEP's suite of core copyediting courses. It is an assessed course delivered via e-learning, and students work with a dedicated tutor who supports them through the course and marks their assignments.

About the course

Copyediting 3: Progress consolidates the concepts introduced in Copyediting 1: Introduction and Copyediting 2: Headway, and considers the technicalities of copyediting tables, notes and references, and preliminary and end pages. The exercises cover a variety of texts, from public information to academic books, and give a lot of scope for practice. It is a course for editors with some experience, and students are expected to have a good grasp of the main tasks involved in copyediting and some practical knowledge of carrying them out. This course is suitable for you if:

  • you have completed Copyediting 1: Introduction and Copyediting 2: Headway and would like to advance to the next level of the course
  • you already have a good grounding in copyediting, and preferably some experience, but have not completed formal training
  • you are returning after a career break, and wish to update, refresh or check your skills.

What the course will teach you

This course develops your existing copyediting skills and knowledge, and helps you deal with more complex material. By the time you’ve completed this training, you’ll understand:

  • the technicalities of copyediting tables, notes and references, and preliminary and end pages
  • how to work on a variety of texts, from public information to academic books
  • how to copyedit a variety of headings, lists and quotations
  • how to communicate effectively with a typesetter
  • where to look if something unusual crops up
  • what sort of text best suits your copyediting skills.

Course contents

Unit 1: Are you ready?

The principles and practice you should already know, as covered in Copyediting 1 and Copyediting 2.

Unit 2: Tables

How to prepare and mark up tables, what problems to look out for and how to communicate your instructions to the typesetter.

Unit 3: Notes and references

The styles used with three commonly used reference systems and some general tips on how to organise work on notes and references.

Unit 4: Preliminary pages

What preliminary pages are and tips on what to look out for when copyediting them.

Unit 5: End matter

Editing and preparing end matter, a topic usually not dealt with in detail in books about editing.

Unit 6: Final assignment

Choose a text from either the humanities or the sciences to send to your tutor for assessment.

What skills and tools do you need?

You should understand the basics of copyediting as taught in Copyediting 1: Introduction and Copyediting 2: Headway.

This course follows British English spelling, grammar and punctuation conventions.

You’ll also need:

  • fluency in English
  • good knowledge of English grammar
  • wide general knowledge
  • familiarity with the functions of word processing programs – this course assumes use of MS Word (Office 365)


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Prices, timescales and upgrade points

  • Member: £265 + VAT
  • Non-member: £375 + VAT
  • Access to course: 6 months
  • Approximate study time to complete: 20–25 hours
  • CIEP upgrade points: completion 2 + 3 for pass


Key course features

Structured training

Structured units cover a range of topics relevant to your chosen course.

Self-paced learning

With our e-learning courses, learn when you want at a pace that’s convenient for you.

Training portal

Access your course via our user-friendly online training portal. All e-learning courses are accessible through the portal for six months from the date of enrolment.

Tutor assessment

Get graded assignments and dedicated tutor support on our assessed core skills courses.

Model answers

Self-assess your exercises against model answers.


Download, print and keep a certificate of completion once you’ve finished your course so you can demonstrate your commitment to CPD.


It's easy to think you've come this far and know enough – doing CIEP courses has forced me to test myself and question my bad habits! I now really value the good habit I have adopted: consulting New Hart's Rules, Trask and the Chicago Manual of style, along with the CIEP forums – we can't retain everything!



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