Job board

Do you have an editorial job or contract that needs filling? Find the perfect candidate by advertising directly by email to our 2,500+ members.

Every member of the CIEP is bound by our Membership Codes, meaning you can advertise your role with confidence.

Need to discuss your ad with a colleague? Download and share our rate card.

How much does it cost?

The CIEP offers three tiers of advertising, allowing you to target your ideal audience.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 – save £410!
Entry-Level Members   Entry-Level Members
Intermediate Members   Intermediate Members
  Professional Members Professional Members
  Advanced Professional Members Advanced Professional Members
£465 + VAT £465 + VAT £520 + VAT
How to book your advertisement

Your advertisement’s only four steps away from our members’ inboxes. Here’s what to do:

  1. Download the booking form and save it locally with your company name (eg CIEP-advert-form-Your-Company.pdf)
  2. Read the guidelines
  3. Fill in your recruitment information
  4. Send the form to our advertising team


CIEP publications

CIEP website
Advertising may be available in our publications. For further information, contact [email protected] We do not accept advertising on our website. The only exception is for sponsors of our annual conference.

Advertising as a member benefit

Access to advertising with the CIEP is a benefit of membership for Professional and Advanced Professional Members and Corporate Members.

  • Corporate Members may advertise, free of charge, an unlimited number of both freelance assignments and in-house positions.
  • Professional and Advanced Professional Members may advertise for freelancers only, free of charge and with no limit.

Welcome to the new CIEP website

If you are a CIEP member you will need to click 'Forgotten password' to reset your password so you can log in.

