Webinar: Editing for fantasy worldbuilding at sentence level

Webinar: Editing for fantasy worldbuilding at sentence level

Join us on 26 November for a CIEP webinar on the craft of line and copyediting for fantasy worldbuilding, delivered by Andrew Hodges. 

Andrew will begin by discussing the 6 “C”s of science fiction and fantasy worldbuilding and how they relate to sentence-level editing issues, before introducing the idea of scaffolding and explaining how common issues such as infodumps and overuse of italics and capitals feature in the creative writing process. The webinar will also cover the use of appropriate metaphors in worldbuilding and, finally, will link this to point of view and explain how having a narrator internal or external to the story world impacts the edits you make. The webinar will be interactive, providing examples and offering the opportunity for questions, and you’ll come away with new strategies for editing fantasy fiction at sentence level. Some topics discussed will be advanced, but it will be accessible to editors and writers with a basic knowledge of fiction craft topics like point of view. This webinar complements the developmental editing focus of the conference workshop Worldbuilding for Fiction Editors, but the contents are mostly different. 

Bookings will close on Tuesday 26 November at 1pm (GMT). The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available to CIEP members in the On demand section of the website. 

Dr Andrew Hodges

Dr Andrew Hodges