Ms Melanie Thompson |

Membership Grade
Advanced Professional Member

About Melanie



How can I help you?

Thank you for visiting my CIEP Directory page.

How can I help you?

  • I tailor my services to meet your needs, and the needs of your target audience.
  • I welcome enquiries from clients who require editing and proofreading services.
  • I also accept commissions for writing (e.g. promotional articles, chapters or whole books, professional manuals and guides, or corporate communications such as websites, press releases and annual reports).
  • I can often accommodate small projects at short notice.

Please contact me to discuss your project.


Architecture, building/construction, built environment, climate change, conservation (general, energy, green issues), construction industry, construction materials and products, content, current affairs, education (GCSE, A level, undergraduate, sciences), engineering (general, electronic), environment/energy, environmental studies (general, renewable technologies), life sciences, management (Civil Service), materials science, physics, planning/surveying (buildings), project management, sciences (academic, philosophy of science, popular)


Books, company literature, distance learning materials, educational materials, journals, magazines, manuals, multi-author books, newsletters, newspapers, online materials, websites


Editorial services

Since setting up my freelance business in 2000, I have provided writing and editorial services for a wide range of clients, including: Aconex, BRE, Central Office of Information, Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists, ConstructionSkills, Elektra, Forum for the Future, Green Climate Fund, NBS, RIBA Enterprises, RICS Books, Royal Forestry Society, Stonham Housing Association, TRADA, World Green Building Council.

Trainer: editorial skills

I am currently a tutor for CIEP distance learning copy-editing, proofreading and web editing courses. I was a visiting tutor for the Publishing Training Centre (PTC) from 2008 to 2014.

Publishing and journalism

In 2003 I launched a monthly email newsletter on sustainable construction for undergraduates called Get Sust!, which I published independently for eight years. From 2011 to 2015, Get Sust! was published by NBS (RIBA Enterprises).

Content and communities

As well as conventional editorial projects, I have helped to develop several websites and related communities, and have experience as an online community manager. Related skills/experience include: use of content management systems such as Drupal, Joomla and WordPress; Google Analytics; writing and deploying surveys (e.g. SurveyMonkey); and managing mailing lists and creating newsletters (e.g. MailChimp).

In-house career history

My in-house experience includes editing science journals, writing for business-to-business magazines and managing membership communications (most recent first):

  • 1999–2000 Building Research Establishment (BRE), editor of Insight (online newsletter)
  • 1996–99 BRE, managing editor, Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme
  • 1994–96 Central Office of Information, overseas events publicity manager
  • 1991–94 AEEU/EETPU, communications manager
  • 1989–91 journalist, Electronic Product Design magazine
  • 1988–89 Chapman & Hall, copy-editor, science journals (incl. Journal of Materials Science).


Advanced Professional Member of the CIEP

  • BA (Joint Hons) Physics & Music
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication

Recent training

  • Rewriting and substantive editing (PTC, 2024), Plain English for editors (CIEP, 2022)
  • Creative copywriting for publishers (Distinction) (PTC, 2021), Data visualisation masterclass (Guardian, 2021), Efficient editing (CIEP, 2021), Introduction to podcasting (2021)
  • Sub-editing masterclass (2020), Law and ethics for journalists (2020)
  • Understanding InDesign (2018)
  • NUJ Digital journalism skills workshop (2016)
  • Advanced feature writing (2013)


  • User experience (UX) (2012)
  • Digital proofreading (2011)
  • Advanced copy-editing (2009)
  • Grappling with grammar (2008)
  • Website design and website management (2005)


Client types

Disclaimer note

The CIEP Directory of Editorial Services should be considered a point of first contact and prospective clients must satisfy themselves that members are capable of the work on offer. The Institute cannot be held responsible for the quality of work provided by any member listed in the directory. The members themselves are responsible for the maintenance and accuracy of their entries in the Directory and the CIEP has not made any attempt to vet them. The institute cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the Directory. Inclusion in the Directory as a freelance does not necessarily mean that the member is self-employed as defined by HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions.