Our background

The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading exists because of Norma Whitcombe, an energetic computer programmer, indexer and copyeditor who recognised that editorial freelancers needed a professional body that could offer community, standards and training.

  • 1988: Norma Whitcombe founded the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders. 
  • 1989: The first meeting of the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders was held in March. More than 60 people attended.
  • 2001: In-house staff were welcomed, and the organisation was renamed the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. The SfEP was incorporated as a limited company and a board of 12 directors appointed.
  • 2016: The SfEP declared its aim to become a chartered institute to distinguish itself as the voice of authority in English-language editing.
  • 2019: The charter was granted on 10 July, announced in September at the annual conference and sealed on 1 October.
  • 2020: The SfEP officially became the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) on 1 March.

Honorary members

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Judith Butcher Award

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Committee/Council members

Find out who has helped to run the organisation since its inception.

Committee/council members


Norma Whitcombe (Chair), John Woodruff (Vice-Chair), Lesley Ward (Treasurer), Michèle Clarke (Membership), Naomi Laredo (Secretary), Gillian Clarke (Training), Eddie Kent (Newsletter)


Sabine Citron (Chair), Lucy Metzger (Vice-Chair), Sue Browning (Community), Beth Hamer (Conference), Ayesha Chari (External Relations), Margaret Hunter (Information), John Espirian (Internet), Denise Cowle (Marketing and Public Relations), John Firth (Membership), Anya Hastwell (Professional Development), Ian Howe (Standards), Jane Moody (Training)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), Jane Muir (Derrington's: Company Secretary), Gerard Hill (Chartership)


Sabine Citron (Chair), Sue Browning (Vice-Chair, Membership), Lucy Metzger (Vice-Chair, External Relations), Jane Moody (Vice-Chair, Training), Denise Cowle (Marketing and Public Relations), Beth Hamer (Conference), Anya Hastwell (Professional Development), Margaret Hunter (Information), Richard Hutchinson (Internet), Hugh Jackson (Standards), Vanessa Plaister (Community), Martin Walker (Organisational)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), Jane Muir (Derrington's: Company Secretary), Gerard Hill (Chartership), WorkPlace HR


Sabine Citron (Chair), Sue Browning (Vice-Chair, Membership), Lucy Metzger (Vice-Chair, External Relations), Jane Moody (Vice-Chair, Training and Mentoring), Denise Cowle (Marketing and Public Relations), Beth Hamer (Conference), Margaret Hunter (Information), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), Hugh Jackson (Professional Standards), Vanessa Plaister (Community), Martin Walker (Organisational)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), Jane Muir (Derrington's: Company Secretary), Gerard Hill (Chartership), WorkPlace HR


Hugh Jackson (Chair), Sue Browning (Vice-Chair, Membership), Jane Moody (Vice-Chair, Training and Mentoring), Beth Hamer (Conference), Louise Harnby (Social Media), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), Luke Finley (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), Margaret Hunter (Information), Denise Cowle (Marketing and Public Relations), Lucy Metzger (Professional Standards), Vanessa Plaister (Community), Martin Walker (Organisational)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), WorkPlace HR


Hugh Jackson (Chair), Sue Browning (Vice-Chair, Membership), Vanessa Plaister (Vice-Chair, Special Projects), Denise Cowle (Marketing and Public Relations), Luke Finley (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), Beth Hamer (Conference), Louise Harnby (Communications), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), John Ingamells (Community), Lucy Metzger (Professional Standards), Jane Moody (Training and Mentoring), Abi Saffrey (Information)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), WorkPlace HR


Hugh Jackson (Chair), Sue Browning (Vice-Chair, Membership), Vanessa Plaister (Vice-Chair, Special Projects), Denise Cowle (Marketing), Luke Finley (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion), Beth Hamer (Conference), Louise Harnby (Communications), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), John Ingamells (Community), Lucy Metzger (Professional Standards), Jane Moody (Training), Abi Saffrey (Information)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), WorkPlace HR


Hugh Jackson (Chair), Louise Harnby (Vice-Chair), Denise Cowle (Marketing), Beth Hamer (Conference), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), John Ingamells (Community), Janet MacMillan (Professional Standards), Hester Higton (Training), Abi Saffrey (Information), Cathy Tingle (Membership)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), WorkPlace HR

As of February 2023: Louise Harnby (Chair), Denise Cowle (Vice-Chair), Beth Hamer (Conference), Richard Hutchinson (Digital Services), John Ingamells (Community), Janet MacMillan (Professional Standards), Hester Higton (Training), Abi Saffrey (Information), Cathy Tingle (Membership)

External advisers: Mark Robinson (MJB: Finance), Memcom

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